2006-08-03 18:27:55 UTC
in my humble opinion, a) the control of the neocons is almost total in
bulletin boards that the Washington elite visits daily ,like
http://www.dailykos.com/ and http://www.npr.org/ , discussions ,
where any post critical of neocons, the 9/11/2001 Investigation by the
Veterans for 9/11 at http://www.v911t.org/ gets deleted and where we
find out full
details about molten thermite-sulphur left-overs on steel beams cut
like bread
( do a google for full reports and papers) ,
proof of a professional-demolition-military-level-job , Able Danger
upgrades and more FBI agents reports never before released as well as
new reports of the asbestos problem in all the Towers that without
falling down was going to create a huge liability for the
leaseholders, Silverstein and Goldman,and Israel's
invasion of Lebanon and civilian deaths,the posts get deleted or
some posters are refused to post with a "Moderator" that always says
no, to think
that a network like NPR paid by the USA Taxpayers would have a neocon
Moderator denying access to USA Taxpayers wanting and willing to
express their opinions on the War,9/11 and the "brain" warmongers, to
that we are losing FREE SPEECH and the USA Constitution,its
amazing!,but its real and its here, we are slowly turning into a
colony of Israel with Washington's approval and : 1) while the soldiers
are very far away and slowly dying by technology given/sold by the USA
Gov. to Israel and Iran in the 70's and 80's ,2) while the neocon media
will blame some of these low level Military in the end for the
disaster,3) and with
thousands of iraqi civilians dying ,4) and they just "mail" Israel 150
bunker-buster heavy-duty guided bombs which everybody in D.C. knows are
for Iran,plus another 5 billion dollar re-construction
open-grant-credit-to-gift to poor Ohlmert and his friends the Shas and
Kach extreme orthodox,the ones who say that God gave them a special
Covenant, a special deal, that God is a racist that loves some of
his/her children more than others, and the only one that would try to
convince the world that God could make different classes of humans is
Satan,his/her work is to proof God wrong and the Human Race a waste
, and some muslim groups think the same way too about themselves
,and now right before the primaries some get deleted in the USA
b) this month we are importing 63% of our oil/gas needs, so
we are sending 250 billion dollars overseas for these goods,we still
dont have electric cars, no ethanol E-85 from sugarcane/corn/waste,no
natural coal to clean diesel even when China is launching this month
the biggest plant to turn natural coal to methane to diesel,no
photovoltaic cells
on every roof and surface,no water current and wind turbines,
no hydrogen fuelcells after
10 years of talking about them in Washington, nothing!, we only have
8.5 trillion dollars in National Debt
while Congress talks about letting mostly neocon Hedge-Funds run our
Social Security Trust Funds and our Pensions Funds ,the pillars of
America,and we still dont know what happen to the 9 billion dollars in
reconstruction in the hands of the Provisional Government in Iraq ,run
mostly by the appointed crooks of
Wolfowitz,Zakheim,Snider,Perle,Feith,Fleisher, Bolten,Berman and
Mehlman, the cute boys and girls of the Mossad in the White House,so
close to Bush and Laura all the time,what evil nightmare ,we also see
in the WSJ and NYT(Aug,1,2006) how some neocons like Haim Saban and
others save billions of dollars in taxes by opening Tax Shelters called
POINT in Cayman Islands,Nevis,Isle of Man, and run by neocons like
Scheinfeld and Steinberg and they get to settle for a few dollars when
if any gentile( christian or agnostic) like you or me do this, we get
20 years in jail ,what a criminal racist shame!, and this is just the
c)in this September primary elections,the neocon candidate for
Governor of New York,Att.Gen.Elliot "Mossad"Spitzer has refused to
investigate any of the above points,nor the links with
Greenberg,ex-chairman of AIG one of the main organizers of the 23
insurance companies in the WTC called by Silverstein and Goldman just a
few days before 9/11/2001,and who paid a 350 million dollar fine for
stealing the premiums of "workers compensation insurances to the
States" and into his own company AIG and the profits of it ,if you or i
do that with disabled workers premiums we get 20 years in jail,and if
Spitzer is elected instead of the
christian Democratic candidate , http://tomsuozzi.com/ and the
christian Republican candidate http://www.johnfaso2006.com/ , we
will never know anything anymore about who and why and how,EVERY VOTING
ELECTIONS! ,that's why they dont want to use paper trail machines and
only DIEBOLD machines where the Executive Board is controlled by
neocons, and Spitzer would
turn New York State into a silent colony of
Israel and his orthodox neocons from KirJoel, Williamsburg and
BrightonBeach will take over all key offices, taking control of
Pensions and Retirement Funds with Havesi and Silver , they will take
over Public Employees/Firefighters/Police/Teachers/Workers Funds,taking
control as well of Madicare/ Madicaid,Immigration and IRS to push the
flow of cash and permits to their Orthodox Tax Exempt Community,as well
as Judges and local Authorities, all in all the Christian Community
will be overrun and exploited, American Taxpayers turn into servers of
the Neocon Elite,the new masters, and all the abused on 9/11/2001 will
become useless victims one more time, first they get killed for
Insurance Money for Silverstein,Goldman and Greenberg now from Starr
and then they get insulted again and their case deleted, what a
criminal shame and what a sad day for America and the USA Constitution,
which these neocons will put under their religious-military laws and
Washington is so far silent,insulting the Founding Fathers one more
time,the corrupt coward traitors!
bulletin boards that the Washington elite visits daily ,like
http://www.dailykos.com/ and http://www.npr.org/ , discussions ,
where any post critical of neocons, the 9/11/2001 Investigation by the
Veterans for 9/11 at http://www.v911t.org/ gets deleted and where we
find out full
details about molten thermite-sulphur left-overs on steel beams cut
like bread
( do a google for full reports and papers) ,
proof of a professional-demolition-military-level-job , Able Danger
upgrades and more FBI agents reports never before released as well as
new reports of the asbestos problem in all the Towers that without
falling down was going to create a huge liability for the
leaseholders, Silverstein and Goldman,and Israel's
invasion of Lebanon and civilian deaths,the posts get deleted or
some posters are refused to post with a "Moderator" that always says
no, to think
that a network like NPR paid by the USA Taxpayers would have a neocon
Moderator denying access to USA Taxpayers wanting and willing to
express their opinions on the War,9/11 and the "brain" warmongers, to
that we are losing FREE SPEECH and the USA Constitution,its
amazing!,but its real and its here, we are slowly turning into a
colony of Israel with Washington's approval and : 1) while the soldiers
are very far away and slowly dying by technology given/sold by the USA
Gov. to Israel and Iran in the 70's and 80's ,2) while the neocon media
will blame some of these low level Military in the end for the
disaster,3) and with
thousands of iraqi civilians dying ,4) and they just "mail" Israel 150
bunker-buster heavy-duty guided bombs which everybody in D.C. knows are
for Iran,plus another 5 billion dollar re-construction
open-grant-credit-to-gift to poor Ohlmert and his friends the Shas and
Kach extreme orthodox,the ones who say that God gave them a special
Covenant, a special deal, that God is a racist that loves some of
his/her children more than others, and the only one that would try to
convince the world that God could make different classes of humans is
Satan,his/her work is to proof God wrong and the Human Race a waste
, and some muslim groups think the same way too about themselves
,and now right before the primaries some get deleted in the USA
b) this month we are importing 63% of our oil/gas needs, so
we are sending 250 billion dollars overseas for these goods,we still
dont have electric cars, no ethanol E-85 from sugarcane/corn/waste,no
natural coal to clean diesel even when China is launching this month
the biggest plant to turn natural coal to methane to diesel,no
photovoltaic cells
on every roof and surface,no water current and wind turbines,
no hydrogen fuelcells after
10 years of talking about them in Washington, nothing!, we only have
8.5 trillion dollars in National Debt
while Congress talks about letting mostly neocon Hedge-Funds run our
Social Security Trust Funds and our Pensions Funds ,the pillars of
America,and we still dont know what happen to the 9 billion dollars in
reconstruction in the hands of the Provisional Government in Iraq ,run
mostly by the appointed crooks of
Wolfowitz,Zakheim,Snider,Perle,Feith,Fleisher, Bolten,Berman and
Mehlman, the cute boys and girls of the Mossad in the White House,so
close to Bush and Laura all the time,what evil nightmare ,we also see
in the WSJ and NYT(Aug,1,2006) how some neocons like Haim Saban and
others save billions of dollars in taxes by opening Tax Shelters called
POINT in Cayman Islands,Nevis,Isle of Man, and run by neocons like
Scheinfeld and Steinberg and they get to settle for a few dollars when
if any gentile( christian or agnostic) like you or me do this, we get
20 years in jail ,what a criminal racist shame!, and this is just the
c)in this September primary elections,the neocon candidate for
Governor of New York,Att.Gen.Elliot "Mossad"Spitzer has refused to
investigate any of the above points,nor the links with
Greenberg,ex-chairman of AIG one of the main organizers of the 23
insurance companies in the WTC called by Silverstein and Goldman just a
few days before 9/11/2001,and who paid a 350 million dollar fine for
stealing the premiums of "workers compensation insurances to the
States" and into his own company AIG and the profits of it ,if you or i
do that with disabled workers premiums we get 20 years in jail,and if
Spitzer is elected instead of the
christian Democratic candidate , http://tomsuozzi.com/ and the
christian Republican candidate http://www.johnfaso2006.com/ , we
will never know anything anymore about who and why and how,EVERY VOTING
ELECTIONS! ,that's why they dont want to use paper trail machines and
only DIEBOLD machines where the Executive Board is controlled by
neocons, and Spitzer would
turn New York State into a silent colony of
Israel and his orthodox neocons from KirJoel, Williamsburg and
BrightonBeach will take over all key offices, taking control of
Pensions and Retirement Funds with Havesi and Silver , they will take
over Public Employees/Firefighters/Police/Teachers/Workers Funds,taking
control as well of Madicare/ Madicaid,Immigration and IRS to push the
flow of cash and permits to their Orthodox Tax Exempt Community,as well
as Judges and local Authorities, all in all the Christian Community
will be overrun and exploited, American Taxpayers turn into servers of
the Neocon Elite,the new masters, and all the abused on 9/11/2001 will
become useless victims one more time, first they get killed for
Insurance Money for Silverstein,Goldman and Greenberg now from Starr
and then they get insulted again and their case deleted, what a
criminal shame and what a sad day for America and the USA Constitution,
which these neocons will put under their religious-military laws and
Washington is so far silent,insulting the Founding Fathers one more
time,the corrupt coward traitors!