Free Speech on Boards deleted,WTC demolition facts ,neocon election fix...
(too old to reply)
2006-08-03 18:27:55 UTC
in my humble opinion, a) the control of the neocons is almost total in
bulletin boards that the Washington elite visits daily ,like
http://www.dailykos.com/ and http://www.npr.org/ , discussions ,
where any post critical of neocons, the 9/11/2001 Investigation by the
Veterans for 9/11 at http://www.v911t.org/ gets deleted and where we
find out full
details about molten thermite-sulphur left-overs on steel beams cut
like bread
( do a google for full reports and papers) ,
proof of a professional-demolition-military-level-job , Able Danger
upgrades and more FBI agents reports never before released as well as
new reports of the asbestos problem in all the Towers that without
falling down was going to create a huge liability for the
leaseholders, Silverstein and Goldman,and Israel's
invasion of Lebanon and civilian deaths,the posts get deleted or
some posters are refused to post with a "Moderator" that always says
no, to think
that a network like NPR paid by the USA Taxpayers would have a neocon
Moderator denying access to USA Taxpayers wanting and willing to
express their opinions on the War,9/11 and the "brain" warmongers, to
that we are losing FREE SPEECH and the USA Constitution,its
amazing!,but its real and its here, we are slowly turning into a
colony of Israel with Washington's approval and : 1) while the soldiers
are very far away and slowly dying by technology given/sold by the USA
Gov. to Israel and Iran in the 70's and 80's ,2) while the neocon media
will blame some of these low level Military in the end for the
disaster,3) and with
thousands of iraqi civilians dying ,4) and they just "mail" Israel 150
bunker-buster heavy-duty guided bombs which everybody in D.C. knows are
for Iran,plus another 5 billion dollar re-construction
open-grant-credit-to-gift to poor Ohlmert and his friends the Shas and
Kach extreme orthodox,the ones who say that God gave them a special
Covenant, a special deal, that God is a racist that loves some of
his/her children more than others, and the only one that would try to
convince the world that God could make different classes of humans is
Satan,his/her work is to proof God wrong and the Human Race a waste
, and some muslim groups think the same way too about themselves
,and now right before the primaries some get deleted in the USA
b) this month we are importing 63% of our oil/gas needs, so
we are sending 250 billion dollars overseas for these goods,we still
dont have electric cars, no ethanol E-85 from sugarcane/corn/waste,no
natural coal to clean diesel even when China is launching this month
the biggest plant to turn natural coal to methane to diesel,no
photovoltaic cells
on every roof and surface,no water current and wind turbines,
no hydrogen fuelcells after
10 years of talking about them in Washington, nothing!, we only have
8.5 trillion dollars in National Debt
while Congress talks about letting mostly neocon Hedge-Funds run our
Social Security Trust Funds and our Pensions Funds ,the pillars of
America,and we still dont know what happen to the 9 billion dollars in
reconstruction in the hands of the Provisional Government in Iraq ,run
mostly by the appointed crooks of
Wolfowitz,Zakheim,Snider,Perle,Feith,Fleisher, Bolten,Berman and
Mehlman, the cute boys and girls of the Mossad in the White House,so
close to Bush and Laura all the time,what evil nightmare ,we also see
in the WSJ and NYT(Aug,1,2006) how some neocons like Haim Saban and
others save billions of dollars in taxes by opening Tax Shelters called
POINT in Cayman Islands,Nevis,Isle of Man, and run by neocons like
Scheinfeld and Steinberg and they get to settle for a few dollars when
if any gentile( christian or agnostic) like you or me do this, we get
20 years in jail ,what a criminal racist shame!, and this is just the
c)in this September primary elections,the neocon candidate for
Governor of New York,Att.Gen.Elliot "Mossad"Spitzer has refused to
investigate any of the above points,nor the links with
Greenberg,ex-chairman of AIG one of the main organizers of the 23
insurance companies in the WTC called by Silverstein and Goldman just a
few days before 9/11/2001,and who paid a 350 million dollar fine for
stealing the premiums of "workers compensation insurances to the
States" and into his own company AIG and the profits of it ,if you or i
do that with disabled workers premiums we get 20 years in jail,and if
Spitzer is elected instead of the
christian Democratic candidate , http://tomsuozzi.com/ and the
christian Republican candidate http://www.johnfaso2006.com/ , we
will never know anything anymore about who and why and how,EVERY VOTING
ELECTIONS! ,that's why they dont want to use paper trail machines and
only DIEBOLD machines where the Executive Board is controlled by
neocons, and Spitzer would
turn New York State into a silent colony of
Israel and his orthodox neocons from KirJoel, Williamsburg and
BrightonBeach will take over all key offices, taking control of
Pensions and Retirement Funds with Havesi and Silver , they will take
over Public Employees/Firefighters/Police/Teachers/Workers Funds,taking
control as well of Madicare/ Madicaid,Immigration and IRS to push the
flow of cash and permits to their Orthodox Tax Exempt Community,as well
as Judges and local Authorities, all in all the Christian Community
will be overrun and exploited, American Taxpayers turn into servers of
the Neocon Elite,the new masters, and all the abused on 9/11/2001 will
become useless victims one more time, first they get killed for
Insurance Money for Silverstein,Goldman and Greenberg now from Starr
and then they get insulted again and their case deleted, what a
criminal shame and what a sad day for America and the USA Constitution,
which these neocons will put under their religious-military laws and
Washington is so far silent,insulting the Founding Fathers one more
time,the corrupt coward traitors!
2006-08-05 16:00:53 UTC
in my humble opinion,a) in "Top Military lawyers..."
WashingtonPost,Aug.3.06, we learn that key Army and Air Force
Judges-Lawyers in front of a US Senate Committee are against the plan
from the civil neocon elite around Washington of expanding powers to
arrest and try people here in the USA and overseas almost at will and
using hearsay,like Maj.General Black and Rives among others
said:"...the USA should be an example to the world,sir..."this is very
important for the extreme muslims and others to know, the USA Military
will always play by the Rule of Law, but as always, there is god and
bad people everywhere, so mistakes will be made, we are human, but for
the top legal Military to refuse to turn the USA Forces into fascist
oppresors is very positive and its time to get these honest American
Military leaders to sit down with Sunni,Shiite and others and talk
PEACE, America and the Muslim World does not need to play the game and
the music set up by the Neocon Lobby, America and the Muslim World can
talk and find solutions, we can !!!! , its imperative that Sec. Rice,
Sec.Rumsfeld ,Gen. Abizaid and others sit down with Hezbollah-Hamas and
the various Mullahs,Sheiks and Iranian leaders and work on common
ground solutions, its time they all work for their people, not for the
Neocon Lobby and the Military Contractors, which we know sell to the 2
sides:they and their neocon Hedge-Funds are making billions pushing
arms to the 2 sides, just look at the recent 6 billion arms sale to
Saudi Arabia, look at the multi-billion arms sales to India, Pakistan
and arms gifts to Israel, the military contractors are arming the 2
sides for a huge profit, instead it's time to build the countries and
the people, the families and the workers, it's time to move forward,
but only if Rice,Rumsfeld and the Generals sit down with the Muslim
Leaders and do the smart thing, and the whole World will see them all
as Heroes, as brave and honest and intelligent leaders, we all win, and
the time is right now!

if there ever was a proof of certain neocon groups arming the 2 sides,
of financing the 2 sides, its right now,see how the Contractors run by
the neocon Hedge-Funds are selling to the 2 sides,they are selling
technology,parts, services,software and hardware, like the GAO has
proof when they went undercover and brought in multiple occasions arms
guided systems,F-14 parts,radars,components, etc., worth millions of
dollars from the same contractors selling to the USA and others,its a
criminal fraud and High Treason but because they are mostly neocon
related, the scandal gets buried on page 17 and only once and then the
web page is gone!!!!
2006-08-12 16:12:11 UTC
in my humble opinion,a) this is an open letter to the Director of the
FBI , the Attorney General and all their great teams,thanks for your
programs linking the Muslim Communities with the FBI,called Bridge in
some cities,etc., and which get together good will and good
intelligence,because the seeds of violence are the alianation of
religious groups into their own closed communities,the bridge between
muslims,hindu,buddhist,etc and the FBI is the key to security ,and like
in Washington D.C. where your program of reaching to all these
communities is so important for peace,these groups must join in the
Constitutional reality of America, its Rule of Law and its language and
morals and laws , b) the USA Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
the Law of the Land, so congratulations and lets hope you all at the
FBI get the resources you need to spread this good idea,making sure
every immigrant learns fluent english and full knowledge of the USA
Constitution, great program and thanks for your difficult work!,c) the
israeli orthodox communities in KirJoel,BrightonBeach and Williamsburg
in New York as well as the huge Lakewood Orthodox Community in New
Jersey must also understand that in the USA we go by the USA
Constitution, we pay Income and Real EstateTaxes and we dont put the
Israeli Kenesset Laws and the Torah-Talmud religious laws over our USA
Constitution, never ! and about all this someone should remind their
leaders , Jon Corzine in New Jersey and Elliot Spitzer and Michael
Bloomberg in New York, this is America, is a free country and is not a
colony of Israel and never will, and God bless America!

c) right after 9/11/2001 we found out that a general of the Army of
Israel,Rafi Ron had been appointed security adviser to the Boston Logan
Airport, now we find out that he runs today ,as top security chief ,the
airports of San Francisco,Miami,Boston and others,
http://www.c-span.org/ , and while our own USA Generals are busy far
away in Iraq fighting for a war started in part due to the conflict
between Israelis and Palestinians? why our generals are so far away and
an israeli general runs our airports security and source code-hardware
access right here in the USA ? WHY ??? this is absurd because General
Ron of the Israeli Army, who came with a visa and now holds USA and
israeli citizenship was the adviser to William Cohen, ex sec. of
Defense,of David Cohen,deputy at the CIA and Michael Chertoff then
Dep.Att Gen. during the critical year of 2001, when we got hit by the
terrorists and while all the above mentioned were insisting that
different segments of the Justice Dpt.FBI,CIA and other Government
offices could not talk to each other or check out and interrogate the
terrorists, like so many FBI-CIA-Pentagon agents were demanding at the
time ( Able Danger,etc.) , but specially Michael Chertoff at DoJ was
insisting that the guidelines set up by Dep.Att. Gen. Jamie Gorelick to
don't link different Dpt.s had to be respected and the result of all
these individuals treasonous and criminal policies was 3.000 deaths
and the excuse to go to Iraq, so how come this criminal and terror
facilitator as well as foreign Army General Ron can be in charge of USA
Airports while our soldiers and generals are so far away fighting their
wars ?

d)all last weeks the national media have been publishing all kinds of
TARGETS-METHODS AND MATERIALS,in key newspapers we read outragaous
information about key facilites, top methods to blow up things and the
ingrediants to use, they have been read by millions overseas and we
cannot repeat them here but coincidentally all the reporters are
neocons from the extreme israeli-american Mossad fringe just like
General Ron and orthodox rabbi Michael Chertoff, so when you put all
this together, clearly it points to another August-September HIT, and
in the confusion and paranoia, Chertoff will try to convince Bush to
put the Israeli General Rafi Ron in charge of everything "USA
Airports"as well as start installing israeli-made laser anti-rocket
systems on every USA commercial airplane at a cost of 10 billion
dollars to the USA taxpayers and the airlanes and which would give the
israelis control of the location and status of every USA airplane, this
plan they have tried many times since they stoled the USA laser system
in 1999 from the New Mexico Mobile Laser Testing Grounds to
Israel,they even took the trucks and generators with them, not to
mention patents and software-chemical-engineer-electric-hardware plans,
the whole thing , and this is a total take-over of our national Defense
System and Commercial Routes, a discreet Invasion and a coup, and prior
to the elections this is criminal , High Treason, Un-Constitutional and
Un-American,and they will blame Bush-Rumsfeld-Rice and Gonzales after
they have achieved their military goals, in my humble opinion the
honest Military and Law Enforcement Christian Men of the Land should
never stand for this take over, and since as we all know, president
Bush is not really aware of the consequences,your job is even more
difficult,but its sadly clear that they are facilitating another hit
and justify an attack to Iran -Syria and control of our civil
Society,you at the FBI can put all the discreet and little signals
together and reach your conclusions, i hope i am wrong but it is the
same method, criminal information by neocons on the media about targets
methods and materials and General Ron and Rabbi Chertoff working
in-sinc and with their partner Lord Goldsmith, the Att. Gen. of
England., another member of the Israeli Army like the above mentioned
and the reason why Chertoff was totally informed and READY , they work
with military precision and it ain't the USA Military! so the best
working for the USA taxpayers and the USA Constitution, God bless this
great country and global Peace, Trade and Commerce with all Nations!

e) a force of U.N. and USA soldiers stationed in the border between
Israel and Lebanon must do the same the 2 groups do, eavesdrop on all
the communications from Lebanese and Israeli military and intelligence
groups, if they do it to us, we must do it to them,they started the war
and we must act accordingly, USA Forces must know everything the
"eternal victim" israeli forces say as well as what the fanatic
religious fundamentalist say, get the whole picture,because God ask us
to be good, not dumb! and we are not children anymore! the
Palestine-Israeli land solution and 2 State Solution is the key to
Peace and Growth, the key to Trade and Commerce and Friendship with all
2006-08-22 18:00:17 UTC
in my humble opinion, the Unions and Capital must work together and in
a bi-partisan way or we all lose
and this is an open letter to president Bush: dear
Prez. you got 28 months left in the White House to do wonders for
America and the World,with the State of the Union under Energy and War
pressure and loses : a) demand ethanol from
sugarcane/corn/waste/cellulosic and biodiesel in 100.000 of the
170.000 gas stations of the Land in the next 18 months AND YOU CAN !,
b) demand electric outlets in all gas stations and from the car/moto
manufacturers a 10-30 % electric production, because we are in an
Energy war !, and remember that many of us have been asking Harley
Davidson and others since 1996 to develop hybrid-electric
batteries-motors,ethanol E-85 motors,biodiesel like W.Nelson and
hydrogen fuelcells, http://www.fuelcells.org/ , this must have been
2002 consumer available products ,still is not AND YOU CAN !,c) get
the neocon warmonger of Bodman and his oil and gas israeli and
russian/israeli nuclear goons out of the Energy Dpt. and start 2
factories in the USA for photovoltaic cells for roof tiles and any
surface, build 2-3.000 tons of Silicon ,Si, a year and cover the
Continent with solar panels,every light post, every building, every
surface, AND YOU CAN ! and train the next generation of engineers and
thinkers, AND YOU CAN ! , d) water desalinization plants everywhere,
remember that the USA in the 50's and early 60's was building these
reverse osmosis ,etc., fresh water from sea water plants everywhere and
in the Middle East, since then the neocons took over Washigton with
Ehrlichman,Haldeman and the Satanic master Kissinger and we are bombing
everybody instead of trading with everybody, and they blame you and
good enginners from NASA ,etc., to create practical products for the
car/truck industry , every space launch and every dollar for the Fusion
ITER project must have a paralell practical small application product
for regular consumers,AND YOU CAN !, e) demand water turbines under sea
on every side of the land,get the Universities to work on them and
train, train, train the kids, AND YOU CAN!, f) every inner city needs
beaches and showers,needs WiFi and WiMax in every train station and
streets, they need light rails and practical simple short trains to cut
on highways and fuel waste, AND YOU CAN ! g) remember that the world
and the USA sees you burning fuel with your huge planes and
fighters,huge SUV caravans and apparatus, they see you sending more
money to the Middle East for oil than anybody else, they see you
supporting the terrorists more than anybody with the thousands of
gallons of oil you use in the USA,regardless of where they come from,
your fleet should be E-85 and biodiesel already,and instead your neocon
advisers make you look like a fool, they want you to look stupid so
that they can push now Lieberman and later
,Coleman,Boxer,Harman and Levin,etc., the neocons in the 2 parties
desguised as Reps. and Dems.the Israeli Lobby and Army moving in on
your office and America, and you dont have to help them !,h) dear Prez,
time to do your Legacy work,time to deal with IRAN,CUBA,KOREA AND
have, they want the cars that we drive, they want the freedoms that we
still have, they just are not clear about how,who, when and why to get
to it, and they shure dont want the neocons that we dont want either,
so dear Prez lets help the whole world get better,the American way !

http://www.c-span.org/ where the neocons are taking over this great
Taxpayers station as well as http://www.npr.org/ with one sided
moderators,guests and opinions, their goal is to keep Democrats
against Republicans,Unions against Smart Capital, everybody
against everybody,divided and distracted to steal from all, what a
criminal shame!
