Maurice Strong; world federalism
(too old to reply)
Charles & Mambo
2004-04-01 00:06:55 UTC
[snip bullshit]
So what better ideas do you have?
Fascinating dialog. Why do you feel that you have to share your multiple
personality disorder with the world?
Come down off the cross
We can use the wood

Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House
David Dalton
2004-04-02 00:26:00 UTC
Post by Charles & Mambo
[snip bullshit]
So what better ideas do you have?
Fascinating dialog. Why do you feel that you have to share your multiple
personality disorder with the world?
Asshole, it is not a dialogue, this is not e-mail. I am
obviously adding an afterthought/correction to my original
post, as if I wrote in a notebook, and then minutes later
added something else. You perhaps have passed elementary
school and should be able to understand that. What would
you prefer, I label each one in the subject line
part 1, part 2 and so on? This way they are all neatly
threaded by newsreaders and can be easily skipped by
those who didn't find the initial post in the thread
of interest. Also I could omit the initial quote
of my own material, which I am not replying to but
adding to (that is the limiting case of someone
following up to her or himself rather than another),
but it helps provide context. On newsgroups even
when the followup is by one person following up on
another it is not like e-mail and directed just to
the one being followed up on but is also partly directed
to anyone else reading the thread. I have been
on newsgroups since 1991 and it appears maybe you
have not, or perhaps you are just teasing.

Again, what better ideas do you have, do I have to
assume none?

Charles & Mambo
2004-04-02 02:17:02 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Charles & Mambo
[snip bullshit]
So what better ideas do you have?
Fascinating dialog. Why do you feel that you have to share your multiple
personality disorder with the world?
Asshole, it is not a dialogue, this is not e-mail. I am
obviously adding an afterthought/correction to my original
post, as if I wrote in a notebook, and then minutes later
added something else.
An afterthought assumes there was a thought somewhere to begin with. Now,
unless your definition of a thought is an incoherent rambling written down
as it appears to you during a drug induced trip right after your left brain
lobe stopped functioning, your point is...?
Post by David Dalton
You perhaps have passed elementary
school and should be able to understand that. What would
you prefer, I label each one in the subject line
part 1, part 2 and so on?
Well, actually, I would prefer you not spam talk.atheism with your lunatic
nonsense, but apparently that is too much to ask.
Post by David Dalton
This way they are all neatly
threaded by newsreaders and can be easily skipped by
those who didn't find the initial post in the thread
of interest.
Which is pretty much everyone...
Post by David Dalton
Also I could omit the initial quote
of my own material, which I am not replying to but
adding to (that is the limiting case of someone
following up to her or himself rather than another),
but it helps provide context.
That's like saying that taking a dump on a big pile of dump helps provide
context. But, do go on, it's breath-taking.
Post by David Dalton
On newsgroups even
when the followup is by one person following up on
another it is not like e-mail and directed just to
the one being followed up on but is also partly directed
to anyone else reading the thread. I have been
on newsgroups since 1991 and it appears maybe you
have not, or perhaps you are just teasing.
Again, what better ideas do you have, do I have to
assume none?
I do: remove talk.atheism from the target for your "ideas". Now, quick, your
rich "loveagent" on Atkins is back on the frequency - adjust the rabbit
ears on your foil hat. Non-dna-based.
Come down off the cross
We can use the wood

Tom Waits, Come On Up To The House
David Dalton
2004-04-02 02:09:56 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Charles & Mambo
[snip bullshit]
So what better ideas do you have?
Fascinating dialog. Why do you feel that you have to share your multiple
personality disorder with the world?
Asshole, it is not a dialogue, this is not e-mail. I am
obviously adding an afterthought/correction to my original
post, as if I wrote in a notebook, and then minutes later
added something else. You perhaps have passed elementary
school and should be able to understand that. What would
you prefer, I label each one in the subject line
part 1, part 2 and so on? This way they are all neatly
threaded by newsreaders and can be easily skipped by
those who didn't find the initial post in the thread
of interest. Also I could omit the initial quote
of my own material, which I am not replying to but
adding to (that is the limiting case of someone
following up to her or himself rather than another),
but it helps provide context. On newsgroups even
when the followup is by one person following up on
another it is not like e-mail and directed just to
the one being followed up on but is also partly directed
to anyone else reading the thread.
And where it is one person adding an afterthought or correction
to him or herself it is entirely directed to anyone else
reading the thread. Instead of cluttering the group with
new threads I stick to the initial thread that is easily
skipped by anyone who is not interested in the thread
originating post. Look at it as if I posted a note
to a cork bulletin board for public view, and then
later added yellow sticky note corrections, afterthoughts,
or clarifications, such as this one.
Post by David Dalton
I have been
on newsgroups since 1991 and it appears maybe you
have not, or perhaps you are just teasing.
Again, what better ideas do you have, do I have to
assume none?
Newsgroups are a great cross-border (global) means
of discussion and brainstorming of new ideas, so
come on, give it a try, students, here or
on the World Federalism thread on talk.politics.misc .

Also you can easily ask me questions now but if
I become famous you may have to wait in line a bit.

Obligatory China note: after my Sept. 5/6, 1991 naked thorn
hill climb, so painful acupuncture awakening of hands
and feet as I climbed, I picked up metal cutlery
and got little shocks so I had to wrap the cutlery
in paper napkins, though if I had had chopsticks
maybe I would have used them.


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