Patrick Meuser-Bianca
17 years ago
ATTN: all
Since the age of controversion, the UN has been identified long since past,
to be the object for what solution in society is also the premise of casual
probabilities associated with a national cause. They tend to look at
society as an existence for which people have died. There are as much about
what I know to be reality as for a concept of the world that by all means
and measure in the knowledge for which united nations could exist, the
redefinions by which the aspects of command and control begin to assume a
different nature. I wrtie of this nature in which we've all held to our
discretion a certain measure of civilization as we tend to represent for the
next generation unto which we must remember to have learned from our
mistakes as this concept of the UN pervades. It can onl;y be said that a
system for which the centralization of government is accepted, that by its
membership, there would be a centralization of resources for which the means
to personal expression becomes balanced with the classification for which
icivilziation is an apparent means to offer a difference of persepctive, as
much obvious the means to understand what happening from the other, is a
persistent call for one to pick up on these trends to which everything from
the production of a movie to a landing across the horizon has in terms of
all information available to the leisure (resort) of any single perosn, that
is to sense the goings on in argument, as one for which the argument itself
is about, an assumption that said person is dead. Now if I am more or less
a person to speak about myself, I'll also be the first person to say that a
repentance is to the means of protection that as a connotation means to
protect a system for which four strands of certain conduct through a metal
of such atmosphere eventually becomes the same except five strands. A means
to destroy a world. However five strands would cancel into the switched
correlation of all in the sky, as such stars of a fluid like space, the
means to prevent such an explosion by the anti-matter reaction. Now,
anti-matter, anti meaning before, and matter, as an issue or not, a thing of
sound gravity or magnetism for which certain charm as the electricity of
such switches, is the medium in which people reactively assert the effects
as such switch would close the cause to which we are observed. Now the UN
still has a long way since its inception from the league of nations, that I
stand this far to say that it is a conspiracy perpeytrated on the back of
those who of certain engagement mean to either represent the world as for a
positive outlook, to change in terms of what is known, or gather enough
information to critical mass to approach the reality that this tubular
atmosphere would conduct as the means to change.
What I'm saying is that the geno-casts and geno-types of eugenics and
cybernetics technology long since know before the Macey conference up to it,
and then after is as was the concept of a world in which things could
change, yet could not be explained as to how they should, or would given any
certain measure of popular owenrship. What would be a system under ancient
prediction would hold as sure of the history of this planet as it's
artifacts could be discovered for archiologists better yt for the people.
The tendancy of things to change based on the plasubility of certain
evidence or the impression of certain events is to match the capacity and
synchrony of these ancient systems despite what can be disproved. The
reality of certain existence as these sycnhrons hold planets betwixt aether
is obviously a level of creativity that a different intelligence would be
known irregardless, to different societies the same. So then the question
is, why have any borders whatsoever for what a system of natural innduction
is to rediscover these implements as proto-primtiive tools instead of
weapons, or weapons instead as the notation of such implements is akin to
such tools for what means of proof stand to exist as well beyond disbelief
as there is to explain the reproof for what people represent as popular
owners, the power to overcome a restriction that such properties are thereby
aggregated. Now for us as much as any to challenge the media in saying that
we know differently than what popular opinion holds, is simply a systematic
attempt to suppress the exsitence of such things as may be disproved in an
effort to sling-shot an individual to a point for which such information
would be known, and thereby enable a means to derive from such information
the same rleationships for which information is synchronous as an
intelligent interaction for which a destination must be first channeled as
what key words are in order to open up the means and measure of access by
commission as for what else could be correlated or in order to correspond
with a system in which a united nation was known.
I simply suggest hereby that there is a need to restructure our world in
which by the development of such information as I've reported, to develop a
repoire with these intelligences as for what secretly has been classified as
the semi-protected nature of such information, the existece to manifest the
same as access was, unto access that is a simple means by popular interest
of such restrictions an order to forbid the landings by which syuch
exceptions exist as the repentence itself means to land, the fullest
nioght's sky for which all sickness is resolved, natural beauty. What if
one is to 'fight' against what is only right in the first place?
Nevertheless we can't rest or bear the ideal at that.
Whereas the development of this system by which suppression is adapted to
the physiology of human behaviour for what in physics is understood
nevertheless. There exists in the world of so many borders a means to
derive by them no constant for what the integration of peoples is history.
So therefore in order to add such constant to the borders in order to
derive, there should be such areas drawn in the waters that separate the
continents whereras the general assembly of a member whose nationality is at
hand means for the same as a senator is, or was known for notariaty, for
what debt assumes the congress of inverse representaion wheretofroe such
noteriaty is accounted for and attested by all other means to the
appointment of a membership into the internal assembly as to inherit all
contentions of muncipla regional concern in due time to dissolve the borders
to which muncipalities meet the organs of such a personal regard for health,
and thereby symmetrically iterate the borderline states that such patients
endure, as the virtues for which such borders state, provincial or otherwise
federal are known to the qualities that of such a population are the
re-iterated quantities out of which numbers leave a systematic means of
treatment, and the freedom to cross at will could as well then be recognized
for what personage is as divine a past for what concerns of a past
generation or a generation in passing becomes the evident sequester of thus
initiative to aspire these interactions within the spectrum of noble gases
committed to the register independence of the SPRITE chip-set (Soda Pop
Resonance Imagine TEchnology) in order to pin-point such redundancies as a
threat having been known to venture as the context for which its encounter
is convectional, radiant, and conductive within the permeance that such
eccentricity would be predetermined as for a greater assembly that such
internalization would be responsible for. Then we could cast any system of
nobel software as for the pre-existence for which such interface
specification may be known as the occurence of something that is well held
in heritage as a resource than for what resources are conventionally known
in order to tranmit a signal for which these interfaces are a commitment
into the discovery of one's surroundings, a personal frame of reference for
which responsiblity assumes as the 'caste' of such sofware as the contention
of poalr induction for robotic systems to induce, and thereby
polymorphically represent the interaction as its harmonic resonance with
such matters as a radiant oscillator can then be synchronized with the
topology as its tomography is the determination of the imagination of the
membership and the realization of the member. Then for what value does
freedom rain for which all or any militant resitution spans the inverse time
that such pre-determination exist for, as the determination of something
less about the desire to rule the world than to realize it as a community
better yet optimistic.
Yet the optisim of two sides may spell the defeatist attitude for what in
the virtues of state does the religion become its own existence into which
all thes conflicts are spelt out in the series of acids for which its
determination as in the whether superlative or not, superfluous enclosure as
in determination that would either be illegal or valid. This is specific of
the complicit-implicit-explicit relationship for what all understanding unto
the measurement of the tomogrphy as well, a dynamic network topology begins
to take on the aspects for which others in fiction are so well known to the
extent of the diction that as if to describe the struggle between historical
contexts, then is to recover them only by the same imagination as the bias
of velcoity set to determine its regions so specific of gravity that are as
well the magnetic qualities of an indiviual for what judgement is then
limited. However is the time spent accordingly to relieve this dept to
which the freedom of others becomes apparent, as could be any intiative,
seemless for the transparent system that such lives are actually
extinguished, and therefore could not be counted. However the virtue.
The UN as we know it is so set as the robotic determination of the north
pole for what no one in the world I know has represented. Therefore with
all intents and purposes as such a reality or as many realities of its
systematic disregard for the mass aslaughter and exapproriation of
individuals to societal concerns for which hundreds of generations would
inherit as the fancy of its members whose classifications held in the regard
for unity for which our systems are as a standard similar, the extent that
such among all of us, as to the entertainment that even television
represents, a slowly simmering crock-pot for what falsity it represents as
the motus apperdi for any person who expects to make their directorial debut
by validating illegal options at the pretension of even thinking about the
system as it could be, for what in the imagination and dreams of just such a
person would IO even be to expect that such channels as become apparent in
the production of information is accessible technology for what its classes
are not so perfect, a bell curve for what as the normal distribution
irregarldess is therefore, an interpretation of the future from which
they've taken in order to profit t the loss of such resources in order to
determine its authority as something that could be subdued and harnessed for
a worldy regard as teh same worldy aspirations happen to take as the slaves
of a pupped string the voices to which the limit of discrete causality is
either non-literate or anti-hieroglyphic for all such determinatio as the
value of synthesis that nobody would even recognzie as the value such of a
significant return, also by which life forms stand to operate at the release
of such indivisuals from stasis.
Hereas the development of world gepolitics, I suggest the casual readership
of these developments as I have progressively made, to incoproate the
interest of such virtues as are associated with the mean to many itemization
of national relationsips in order to naturalize the nationalization as for
which the individuals of corresponding intellect could be characterized as
well the coverage of marsian society for which between earthly planets are
their synchrons in relative proportion to nobel gasses for which also the
plasma fission of pollution should hold as to manifest software that the
internal assemblage represents in the overall memrbership of the congress as
to what flag could even be a rainbow for example, significant of the
principle that one's reflection is for all to see, a freedom of information
as powerful as its vision.
Then would all representive into such a system be stationed as the radio
broadcast of whast otherwise is doppler gravity mean to balance capital
exchange into this system as for the means to verify and validateany trusim
for what existences it must stand to venture, as a mission so significant in
the development of humanity into which the software is actully developed as
wetaware. On the dark-side of the moon serving as the critical mass of such
designs as any person could make so quint-essential of its transient
properties as with well a means to return to the representation of economy,
politics, and military at the level of municipal contention, provincial
competition and military apathy as to what the hierarhy of a single virtua
would be so intermittent as the root node of all points approaching the
galactic ccenter as the focus of galactic societies of cross-civil passing
for whence apparent is the seemless transparency, a resource to recount the
exo-juris into which membership is the 'ministry of information' as its
grass roots whereforee the market skew factor of chiral time is
differentiated at a biological level of the reptilian association with such
religion as the aspect of freedom of expression are contrite. Then into
such instants in time does the existence of such places and times become an
association for which all sense of realioty is the concensus of free
information. How far to take this into the systematic regard as a systemic
cause should be echoed is less about its voice than what factors once
selected, are to become an independent preception of an individual respect
for whom all other arguments may be superposed and can teleport aas the
divinity of an encryption release the life from such system.
So I conclude this article with enough courage to say that there are times
when actions speak louder than words, however there are words that describe
actions and even in speaking such words, words describe silence, or
otherwise instruct. And if such instruction could be remembered as
information that was never known since before, then before known is the
individual a case to introduce thus knowledge as the same unity calander so
influential in knowing the times, is less something to observe, than a
person to transform by such memories that as well can be superposed to
become knowledge of self. Thereby should one's health be so dependent, then
such a system of software would've been required to explain for what
existence does its certitude determine the virtua for what as the synchrony
of thus induction between poles, is the sound of one's voice between two
ears. Ans for what other pairs that a couple makes is this difference, and
for what concerns in the world community is, instead, an extended nuclear
famliy of triadic assocations between snowflakes and galaxies as well
equally unique as distinctively equivalent. And therefore the united
nations can no longer be the contradistinction of occurences that violate
its very pretense as the expectation of justice is translated instead of
interpreted, as the interpretation taken from the future of such a marketh
that is as if, to 'import' a leader from the future, instead should
investigate to refresh its existent brokers. However this system has
persisted, the proactive stance of such a nature is the fact that the UN
must be dissolved into such a commssion in order that the lines across lands
must be manifest as the qunatum temporal dynamics and quantum thermal
dynamics of such time-zones as officiated standards of maximal lustre are
found to instersect the union of longitudes and latitudes that preclude the
destination of all parabolic trajectories as the parabolic induction of
electric lines and the measurements of culvert concessions is distinguished
as the median of all wealth. Thereby all such systems of point to point
energy, would transmit the same for what connections would be severed. No
longer would borders be an existence for whic people tend to represent
themself if there is as well as system that once created, is the object of
affection for which the UN once represented, and thereafter as a solution
for advantageous of a covert order to travel into the future or back, no
longer either wide would such existence be a means after an armisitice. For
the knowledge of all premises to which armisitice is known should be held in
the Dead Sea scrolls as much the limit to which such hardware is tolerated
whereas such a future would've been something to admit. It is something to
admit. Confusing as it sounds.
Patrick Ashley Meuser"-Bianca"
Since the age of controversion, the UN has been identified long since past,
to be the object for what solution in society is also the premise of casual
probabilities associated with a national cause. They tend to look at
society as an existence for which people have died. There are as much about
what I know to be reality as for a concept of the world that by all means
and measure in the knowledge for which united nations could exist, the
redefinions by which the aspects of command and control begin to assume a
different nature. I wrtie of this nature in which we've all held to our
discretion a certain measure of civilization as we tend to represent for the
next generation unto which we must remember to have learned from our
mistakes as this concept of the UN pervades. It can onl;y be said that a
system for which the centralization of government is accepted, that by its
membership, there would be a centralization of resources for which the means
to personal expression becomes balanced with the classification for which
icivilziation is an apparent means to offer a difference of persepctive, as
much obvious the means to understand what happening from the other, is a
persistent call for one to pick up on these trends to which everything from
the production of a movie to a landing across the horizon has in terms of
all information available to the leisure (resort) of any single perosn, that
is to sense the goings on in argument, as one for which the argument itself
is about, an assumption that said person is dead. Now if I am more or less
a person to speak about myself, I'll also be the first person to say that a
repentance is to the means of protection that as a connotation means to
protect a system for which four strands of certain conduct through a metal
of such atmosphere eventually becomes the same except five strands. A means
to destroy a world. However five strands would cancel into the switched
correlation of all in the sky, as such stars of a fluid like space, the
means to prevent such an explosion by the anti-matter reaction. Now,
anti-matter, anti meaning before, and matter, as an issue or not, a thing of
sound gravity or magnetism for which certain charm as the electricity of
such switches, is the medium in which people reactively assert the effects
as such switch would close the cause to which we are observed. Now the UN
still has a long way since its inception from the league of nations, that I
stand this far to say that it is a conspiracy perpeytrated on the back of
those who of certain engagement mean to either represent the world as for a
positive outlook, to change in terms of what is known, or gather enough
information to critical mass to approach the reality that this tubular
atmosphere would conduct as the means to change.
What I'm saying is that the geno-casts and geno-types of eugenics and
cybernetics technology long since know before the Macey conference up to it,
and then after is as was the concept of a world in which things could
change, yet could not be explained as to how they should, or would given any
certain measure of popular owenrship. What would be a system under ancient
prediction would hold as sure of the history of this planet as it's
artifacts could be discovered for archiologists better yt for the people.
The tendancy of things to change based on the plasubility of certain
evidence or the impression of certain events is to match the capacity and
synchrony of these ancient systems despite what can be disproved. The
reality of certain existence as these sycnhrons hold planets betwixt aether
is obviously a level of creativity that a different intelligence would be
known irregardless, to different societies the same. So then the question
is, why have any borders whatsoever for what a system of natural innduction
is to rediscover these implements as proto-primtiive tools instead of
weapons, or weapons instead as the notation of such implements is akin to
such tools for what means of proof stand to exist as well beyond disbelief
as there is to explain the reproof for what people represent as popular
owners, the power to overcome a restriction that such properties are thereby
aggregated. Now for us as much as any to challenge the media in saying that
we know differently than what popular opinion holds, is simply a systematic
attempt to suppress the exsitence of such things as may be disproved in an
effort to sling-shot an individual to a point for which such information
would be known, and thereby enable a means to derive from such information
the same rleationships for which information is synchronous as an
intelligent interaction for which a destination must be first channeled as
what key words are in order to open up the means and measure of access by
commission as for what else could be correlated or in order to correspond
with a system in which a united nation was known.
I simply suggest hereby that there is a need to restructure our world in
which by the development of such information as I've reported, to develop a
repoire with these intelligences as for what secretly has been classified as
the semi-protected nature of such information, the existece to manifest the
same as access was, unto access that is a simple means by popular interest
of such restrictions an order to forbid the landings by which syuch
exceptions exist as the repentence itself means to land, the fullest
nioght's sky for which all sickness is resolved, natural beauty. What if
one is to 'fight' against what is only right in the first place?
Nevertheless we can't rest or bear the ideal at that.
Whereas the development of this system by which suppression is adapted to
the physiology of human behaviour for what in physics is understood
nevertheless. There exists in the world of so many borders a means to
derive by them no constant for what the integration of peoples is history.
So therefore in order to add such constant to the borders in order to
derive, there should be such areas drawn in the waters that separate the
continents whereras the general assembly of a member whose nationality is at
hand means for the same as a senator is, or was known for notariaty, for
what debt assumes the congress of inverse representaion wheretofroe such
noteriaty is accounted for and attested by all other means to the
appointment of a membership into the internal assembly as to inherit all
contentions of muncipla regional concern in due time to dissolve the borders
to which muncipalities meet the organs of such a personal regard for health,
and thereby symmetrically iterate the borderline states that such patients
endure, as the virtues for which such borders state, provincial or otherwise
federal are known to the qualities that of such a population are the
re-iterated quantities out of which numbers leave a systematic means of
treatment, and the freedom to cross at will could as well then be recognized
for what personage is as divine a past for what concerns of a past
generation or a generation in passing becomes the evident sequester of thus
initiative to aspire these interactions within the spectrum of noble gases
committed to the register independence of the SPRITE chip-set (Soda Pop
Resonance Imagine TEchnology) in order to pin-point such redundancies as a
threat having been known to venture as the context for which its encounter
is convectional, radiant, and conductive within the permeance that such
eccentricity would be predetermined as for a greater assembly that such
internalization would be responsible for. Then we could cast any system of
nobel software as for the pre-existence for which such interface
specification may be known as the occurence of something that is well held
in heritage as a resource than for what resources are conventionally known
in order to tranmit a signal for which these interfaces are a commitment
into the discovery of one's surroundings, a personal frame of reference for
which responsiblity assumes as the 'caste' of such sofware as the contention
of poalr induction for robotic systems to induce, and thereby
polymorphically represent the interaction as its harmonic resonance with
such matters as a radiant oscillator can then be synchronized with the
topology as its tomography is the determination of the imagination of the
membership and the realization of the member. Then for what value does
freedom rain for which all or any militant resitution spans the inverse time
that such pre-determination exist for, as the determination of something
less about the desire to rule the world than to realize it as a community
better yet optimistic.
Yet the optisim of two sides may spell the defeatist attitude for what in
the virtues of state does the religion become its own existence into which
all thes conflicts are spelt out in the series of acids for which its
determination as in the whether superlative or not, superfluous enclosure as
in determination that would either be illegal or valid. This is specific of
the complicit-implicit-explicit relationship for what all understanding unto
the measurement of the tomogrphy as well, a dynamic network topology begins
to take on the aspects for which others in fiction are so well known to the
extent of the diction that as if to describe the struggle between historical
contexts, then is to recover them only by the same imagination as the bias
of velcoity set to determine its regions so specific of gravity that are as
well the magnetic qualities of an indiviual for what judgement is then
limited. However is the time spent accordingly to relieve this dept to
which the freedom of others becomes apparent, as could be any intiative,
seemless for the transparent system that such lives are actually
extinguished, and therefore could not be counted. However the virtue.
The UN as we know it is so set as the robotic determination of the north
pole for what no one in the world I know has represented. Therefore with
all intents and purposes as such a reality or as many realities of its
systematic disregard for the mass aslaughter and exapproriation of
individuals to societal concerns for which hundreds of generations would
inherit as the fancy of its members whose classifications held in the regard
for unity for which our systems are as a standard similar, the extent that
such among all of us, as to the entertainment that even television
represents, a slowly simmering crock-pot for what falsity it represents as
the motus apperdi for any person who expects to make their directorial debut
by validating illegal options at the pretension of even thinking about the
system as it could be, for what in the imagination and dreams of just such a
person would IO even be to expect that such channels as become apparent in
the production of information is accessible technology for what its classes
are not so perfect, a bell curve for what as the normal distribution
irregarldess is therefore, an interpretation of the future from which
they've taken in order to profit t the loss of such resources in order to
determine its authority as something that could be subdued and harnessed for
a worldy regard as teh same worldy aspirations happen to take as the slaves
of a pupped string the voices to which the limit of discrete causality is
either non-literate or anti-hieroglyphic for all such determinatio as the
value of synthesis that nobody would even recognzie as the value such of a
significant return, also by which life forms stand to operate at the release
of such indivisuals from stasis.
Hereas the development of world gepolitics, I suggest the casual readership
of these developments as I have progressively made, to incoproate the
interest of such virtues as are associated with the mean to many itemization
of national relationsips in order to naturalize the nationalization as for
which the individuals of corresponding intellect could be characterized as
well the coverage of marsian society for which between earthly planets are
their synchrons in relative proportion to nobel gasses for which also the
plasma fission of pollution should hold as to manifest software that the
internal assemblage represents in the overall memrbership of the congress as
to what flag could even be a rainbow for example, significant of the
principle that one's reflection is for all to see, a freedom of information
as powerful as its vision.
Then would all representive into such a system be stationed as the radio
broadcast of whast otherwise is doppler gravity mean to balance capital
exchange into this system as for the means to verify and validateany trusim
for what existences it must stand to venture, as a mission so significant in
the development of humanity into which the software is actully developed as
wetaware. On the dark-side of the moon serving as the critical mass of such
designs as any person could make so quint-essential of its transient
properties as with well a means to return to the representation of economy,
politics, and military at the level of municipal contention, provincial
competition and military apathy as to what the hierarhy of a single virtua
would be so intermittent as the root node of all points approaching the
galactic ccenter as the focus of galactic societies of cross-civil passing
for whence apparent is the seemless transparency, a resource to recount the
exo-juris into which membership is the 'ministry of information' as its
grass roots whereforee the market skew factor of chiral time is
differentiated at a biological level of the reptilian association with such
religion as the aspect of freedom of expression are contrite. Then into
such instants in time does the existence of such places and times become an
association for which all sense of realioty is the concensus of free
information. How far to take this into the systematic regard as a systemic
cause should be echoed is less about its voice than what factors once
selected, are to become an independent preception of an individual respect
for whom all other arguments may be superposed and can teleport aas the
divinity of an encryption release the life from such system.
So I conclude this article with enough courage to say that there are times
when actions speak louder than words, however there are words that describe
actions and even in speaking such words, words describe silence, or
otherwise instruct. And if such instruction could be remembered as
information that was never known since before, then before known is the
individual a case to introduce thus knowledge as the same unity calander so
influential in knowing the times, is less something to observe, than a
person to transform by such memories that as well can be superposed to
become knowledge of self. Thereby should one's health be so dependent, then
such a system of software would've been required to explain for what
existence does its certitude determine the virtua for what as the synchrony
of thus induction between poles, is the sound of one's voice between two
ears. Ans for what other pairs that a couple makes is this difference, and
for what concerns in the world community is, instead, an extended nuclear
famliy of triadic assocations between snowflakes and galaxies as well
equally unique as distinctively equivalent. And therefore the united
nations can no longer be the contradistinction of occurences that violate
its very pretense as the expectation of justice is translated instead of
interpreted, as the interpretation taken from the future of such a marketh
that is as if, to 'import' a leader from the future, instead should
investigate to refresh its existent brokers. However this system has
persisted, the proactive stance of such a nature is the fact that the UN
must be dissolved into such a commssion in order that the lines across lands
must be manifest as the qunatum temporal dynamics and quantum thermal
dynamics of such time-zones as officiated standards of maximal lustre are
found to instersect the union of longitudes and latitudes that preclude the
destination of all parabolic trajectories as the parabolic induction of
electric lines and the measurements of culvert concessions is distinguished
as the median of all wealth. Thereby all such systems of point to point
energy, would transmit the same for what connections would be severed. No
longer would borders be an existence for whic people tend to represent
themself if there is as well as system that once created, is the object of
affection for which the UN once represented, and thereafter as a solution
for advantageous of a covert order to travel into the future or back, no
longer either wide would such existence be a means after an armisitice. For
the knowledge of all premises to which armisitice is known should be held in
the Dead Sea scrolls as much the limit to which such hardware is tolerated
whereas such a future would've been something to admit. It is something to
admit. Confusing as it sounds.
Patrick Ashley Meuser"-Bianca"