On Anarchists, Jesus, Christians, Freemasons and Christmas
(too old to reply)
Lucifer Enemy of God
2004-12-04 16:47:42 UTC
On Anarchists, Jesus, Christians, Freemasons and Christmas

In London.
For Anarchist Communism.
For the Global Holocaust of all Christians.

03 December 2004.

To my Seven billion brothers and sisters.

On Practical (Actual) Christianity.

Christianity, like all religion is an evil religion. In Iraq, the
Christian armies have already killed 100,000 people, and when Saddam
was an Anglo American collaborator he tortured and murdered 100,000
Iraqi Communists, he invaded Iran, dropped poison gas on the Kurds and
was responsible for the deaths of millions, all as an Anglo American
ally; if Saddam had not been evil, the Christians would never have
considered him an ally.

The Christian, Anglo-American, narco-terrorist military in Iraq are
today assisted by professional (paid in Capitalist coin) chaplains
(the priesthood), and whose presidents are elected as Christians, and
by Christians. The rape, torture and murder of Iraqis is no accident;
the Christian military are trained in the art of torture and sexual
molestation; this is wilful and premeditated. The history of the
American Christian narco-terrorists in Latin America for example is a
history of rape, torture, murder and CIA backed military coups. Many
of their official training manuals can be read on the internet.
Perhaps one of the most interesting is the training manual for the
Nicaraguan anti-Communist narco-terrorists who were fighting the
pro-Castro Sandinistas; their strategy was simple; kidnap and execute
government officials; terrorise and murder the judiciary, police;
create chaos. The CIA have admitted that they armed these terrorists
and traded narcotics with them, however the American Christians
apparently believe that rape, torture, murder and narco-terrorism can
be justified in the name of Jesus. Today there are Nicaraguan soldiers
fighting alongside the Anglo-American-Zionist narco-terrorists in
Iraq. That is practical Christianity.

As one looks back in history, Christianity has always been an evil
religion, just as it is today. Christianity today exists as a
justification for usury, narco-terrorism, private propertyism, temple
worship, consumerism, etc. In London this week for example, one of the
City's multi-millionaire Catholic bankers who worked for a Masonic
financial institution was murdered, and the media described this
parasite as a pious Christian. That is practical Christianity; starve
the children of the world, enslave them, lend their corrupt
governmentalists money at interest and if they rebel against you,
define them as terrorists, recruit young unemployed football hooligans
as useful idiots, train them to torture, rape and murder and send them
out to kill your enemies. That is practical Christianity.

Some Anarchists may argue ‘Oh but Jesus was an ‘anti-propertyist,' and
an ‘anti-religionist' who took the side of the oppressed against the
rich and the religious, and cursed them all to hell, but that has
nothing to do with practical Christianity, that is Anarchism
(Anarchos; contrary to authority: a society without private property
or government). Christians may argue ‘Oh but we do not believe in
anti-propertyism; anti-propertyism would not help us become more rich'
and yet on the other hand they worship an anti-propertyist as the
Creator (i.e., idolatry; an executable offence), eat his flesh, drink
his blood, construct idols to him, build temples to him with a
professional priesthood of Capitalists and worship him as the god of
the rich and the religious; that is the evil of the Christians and
they have nothing to do with anti-propertyism. When a Christian says
‘I do not believe in anti-propertyism' they deny Christ, but they will
never the less still claim to be Christians and the rape, torture and
murder of innocents will continue and half the world will continue to
be malnourished and most of the world will continue to be the labour
slaves of the rich Christians.

Jesus and Anarchism. Property is Theft.

Some Anarchists are very anti-Jesus, and I find this quite disturbing,
since if one considers the history of anti-propertyists and
anti-religionists, Jesus is clearly an eminent saint and martyr. Jesus
was not Proudhon, Bakunin, or Kropotkin. Jesus did not live in 19th
century Europe, and he left us no writings written by his own hand,
rather we only have various Chinese whispers of him, and there are
some who will argue that we cannot even be sure of his existence; but
as a political thinker, what is clear from what has been written of
him is that he stands out clearly as an anti-propertyist.

The cultists of Solomon's Temple.

Jesus' father was allegedly Zechariah the high priest of the Solomonic
Temple cult whose priesthood eventually issued a large reward for his
capture. His contemporary enemies were cultists of his father's own
religion, just as the enemies of the anti-propertyist Kropotkin, who
was an aristocrat, were the aristocracy. One has to judge Jesus in the
context of his first century social environment; he was not a 19th
century anti-propertyist living in Russia, nor a 21st century
anti-propertyist living in London. Today the cult of Solomon's Temple
still exists. In London, near the Covent Garden Piazza, stands perhaps
the most impressive piece of architecture in all of London, and this
is the Temple of my father's religious cult. The inner sanctum of this
Temple is a deliberate architectural copy of Solomon's Temple. The
religious cult's (cult: to kill; they are a military order of
ritualists / mystery cultists who are sworn to eternal obedience to
their king) lawyers who argued for the tax exempt status of the
building described it as a ‘Temple of Religion' and that is exactly
what it is. As an anti-propertyist, anti-religionist son of one these
religious cultists, it is unsurprising to me that another son of these
cultists 2000 years ago, cursed them, raged against them, threatened
them with eternal judgement and sought to raise revolution against
them. It is not unsurprising that they eventually sought his
execution. My father is both a Christian ‘and' a Masonic cultist, and
as far as I am concerned it is the same ancient and evil religion.

Final War, Judgement (Judah Mentis: the mind of Judah) Day and the
1000 Year Agricultural Revolution.

The Day of Judgement and the Final Holocaust of the idolaters is about
the global Holocaust of all religionists, ‘especially' the Solomonic
cultists and Christians. That is what I believe and what I propagate;
that is my Judgement and long have I cried out for world revolution
against these vermin and I have perfect faith that this will come
about whether I live or die, and that the children of the future will
carry this out.

There are seven billion people here. Half are malnourished. This
injustice is not caused by a ‘system,' but by persons. There is no
‘Capitalist system;' there are only Capitalists and Capitalists are
people, not buildings or inanimate objects. Trees and rocks do not
commit usury or ritualism or idolatry. The suffering that the
Capitalists and religionists subject the children of the world to is
almost unspeakable; there must come a day of Judgement; there must
come a world revolution; it is inevitable. The Christians / Masonic
cultists rule the world by brutality and by violence; it is only by
brute force that they can be eradicated. What goes around shall come
around. Violent apocalyptic revolution is the only Final Solution
which will work against violent militant governmentalists,
religionists and private propertyists.

Why give thought for raiment (clothing)? Have one robe, no shoes,
carry no purse nor coin, and have no servants. Give all that you have
to the poor, etc., etc.

As I walk around London today, it is the Christmas season, and in
celebration of Jesus the Christians are out shopping for clothes,
perfumes, cosmetics and various other ‘luxury' items, much of which
is manufactured by third world labour slaves, some of whom are just
little children. It is clear that the Christians do not believe that
the rich will go to Hell; they seem to believe that they can just shop
their way to Heaven. At Christmas in London, the churches will be full
of rich people who will celebrate their belief in an anti-propertyist
martyr. They appear to believe that by eating his flesh and drinking
his blood, that they will go to Heaven in the afterlife, no matter how
rich they are, even if they actually believe in Capitalism or are
Usuryists themselves; even the Christian armies in Iraq who have
murdered 100,000 people will celebrate Christmas and their chaplains
will no doubt guarantee them eternal life in Heaven and they will go
on torturing, murdering and raping Iraqis; same old, same old.
Christianity is merely a justification for evil, and it will always be
that way until the execution of the last of these Christian vermin.
Christianity has nothing to do with the Final Solution of Messianic
Judaism (Anarchist Communism) and it has nothing to do with the
anti-propertyist martyr, Jesus, who appeared to deliberately and
premeditatedly invoke the prophecies of Messianic Judaism 2000 years
ago, just as I do today as an anti-propertyist in 2004.

Jesus, theism and religion.

It is clear that Jesus was not an atheist and that his alleged enemies
were also not atheists; on the contrary the cultists of Solomon's
Temple and indeed the Romans were evangelical theists, just as the
Anglo American Zionist narco-terrorists are today. Religion
(ritualism) and theism are two separate issues. The Devil may be a
theist and a religionist, but there are many theists who are
anti-religionists. The Marxists, although they may be anti-religious,
and have a long practical history of executing the priesthood and
attempting to eradicate religion, have thus far failed. Jesus however
who also seemed to spent a great deal of time attacking religionists
whom he referred to as a brood of vipers, serpents, of the their
father the Devil, etc, was himself a theist. Anarchist Communism has
nothing to do with theism or atheism; on the contrary that is a
separate issue; there are Anarchist Communists who are theists and
Anarchist Communists who are atheists.

Feurbachian projectionism. ‘God is Evil.' ‘Enemy of God.'

My father who is both a Christian and a Freemason believes in the
existence of God, however his God is clearly the ‘Father' God of
Usury, idolatry, Egyptian cultism, narco-terrorism, drug money
laundering, Zionism, global imperialism, etc. This does not of course
mean that the alleged Creator of the Universe is a male
narco-terrorist, Usuryist, torturer and murderer; merely that this is
my father's Masonic Christian ‘projection' of his own personal God;
similarly with other genocidal narco-terrorists such as Bush, Blair,
Sharon and many who collaborate with them and protect them from
justice. Even the CIA narco-terrorist collaborator, mass murderer and
torturer Pinochet still eats the body and blood of Jesus in a Catholic
Church and is promised Heaven by the idolatrous priesthood. It is
clear to me that this God is evil, but that this God is a projection
of what they want God to be. If the Devil himself was to state ‘there
is only One Creator' that would not make the Devil good.

The Future World.

The future collectivist world beyond the Final Revolutionary War of
Economic Salvation must be a world without money, religion,
governments, banks and temples, and the only way to attain that world
is to eradicate the governmentalists and religionists. There is no
other way. The Christian / Masonic vermin will not surrender to their
executioners without a fight.

African Exodus. One Robe. No shoes. No shame.

Frankly I prefer to get naked and have sex. I don't really see the
point of producing clothing in a world where half the children are
malnourished, anyway. However this would not be practical in colder
climates. The Solomonic Temple cultists cover their loins with aprons
and the Christians generally consider the naked form to be shameful.
This is because they are impure (unclean, unsanitary, insane). I am
totally without shame. I have no shame of anything that has come out
of my body or that has gone into my body. The Christians would happily
starve the world and each have 100 pairs of shoes. In a recent popular
women's television drama in the US and America, ‘Sex and the City' the
heroine confessed that she had 100 pairs of $400 shoes, and yet this
is a drama about rich women getting naked with rich men; even the rich
prefer their lovers without clothes, and this same woman is used in
television advertising for an American company which sells $50 jeans
and is notorious for exploiting Third World labourers who hardly earn
that in a month. That is Capitalism and that is Globalisation and that
is Christianity and that is why the children of the world are starving
and prostituting themselves.

Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism. The Anti-Messiah and the
defeat of his armies.

Lenin, who was financed by the Rothschild Masonic cultists, foresaw,
as many others did, the end of the age of the monarchs and the rise of
the supercapitalists - bankers and corporationists; Capital is today
exported to the Third World Usuryist collaborators in the form of
loans, thus enslaving the world; however the world ruled by such
supercapitalists is not without a monarch. Masonic cultists have their
own secret king and if most of these cultists were aware of his
identity he would hardly be a secret king, but he is a king never the
less; and it is this king who is the Anti-Messiah to the Judaists, the
Ad Dijjal to the Muslims and yet he is the Saviour to the Christian
Capitalists and Masonic cultists. As much as his existence and his
power and his wars have been foretold of old, so too is his defeat in
an apocalyptic world war the like of which we have no memory. That
must be evoked and invoked. Since the enslaved children of the world,
though innocent, are mostly superstitious and uneducated, then as far
as I am concerned since the point of prophecy is not to interpret
history, but to use it to change history, if the mass Holocaust of the
Christians / Masonic cultists can be justified by the use of the
apocalyptic prophecies, which many of the slaves of the Christians
believe in, then so be it.

Where are the armies of Final Revolution?

I speak to the children of the present and the future. The conditions
for world revolution against all governments will eventually appear,
but not without the long predicted apocalyptic war against the
financial capitals of the Christian vermin and their Masonic cult
financial masters. Apocalyptic War will create the conditions for
Revolution and must be invoked by the enemies of the Christians /
Masonic cultists. The Liberation of the oppressed peoples of the world
cannot come about without war against the financial capitals of the
First World. The armies of the Revolution are the victims of the
Christian Capitalists of the First World; there are always billions of
such children. There is no shortage of slaves who do not wish to be
slaves and who would rather fight against masters. On the day and the
hour of Judgement the armies of final liberation will appear.
Revolution by the rod of iron, fire, plague, poisoned waters and the
destruction of all cities and the holocaust of all private
propertyists, governmentalists and religionists must be and shall be
dreadful and terrible and wrathful; one cannot wage war against
genocidal apocalyptic Christians and Masonic cultists who have weapons
of mass destruction unless one is willing to kill and to be killed and
to use the same weapons as the enemy. Money is the god of the
Christians and Masonic cultists and the command and control centres of
the god of money are the First World financial centres, and these must
be brutally eradicated without a jot or iota of mercy, just as the
Capitalists show no mercy to their militant enemies or to the men,
women and children of their Third World imperialist colonies.

I believe that marriage is a form of prostitution; that women in the
collectives (Kibbutzes) of the future world will have no need to
enslave a male to provide food and shelter for their children and that
their children will have many fathers, and will probably not be sure
who their fathers are. It is totally against human nature to remain
with one lover for ones' entire life; this does not mean that one
needs to hate ones' former lovers or even to discard them, however
marriage is a private propertyist rite; one cannot ‘possess' a
person's soul or their eternal love just by swearing an oath. Love
that is given freely is true love (i.e. free love); marriage is a form
of ‘pay love' (i.e. prostitution). Women's liberation is about the
liberation of woman to love whoever they wish to. I find it impossible
to be faithful to the mother of my children, in body or soul, as much
as I love her dearly; it is simply against my nature; I was not
created to love only one person, however much of my life is spent
attempting to earn capitalist coin in order to provide for her and my
children; that is because I am a slave in capitalism and because I am
not free. Whatever Moses or Jesus allegedly had to say about the
matter is irrelevant to me.

Sexual Laws.

Since I am neither heterosexual nor homosexual, I simply consider all
persons to be bi-sexual whether they admit to it or not. Sexual laws
are the product of an ancient age, and which shall disappear in the
future world. If it is evil to have sex with a male or female, then
whoever created us must be as evil as we are, however consensual sex
is the opposite of evil by my judgement; it is how we love another
person. Try as the religionists may to ‘love' an idol or a deceased
ancestor or some deity that we cannot see, touch, taste, hear or
smell, it is simply impossible; we can only love each other and we
express that love through sex. Homophobia is simply an expression of
evil. Moses was an 80 year old man who sought to liberate the Egyptian
slave population and who demanded executions for those who had sex
outside their marriage, and who sought to subject the human sacrifice
cultists of his age to mass holocaust. I support his Judgement with
regards to the holocaust of the idolaters / cultists / Egyptian
religionists of his age, but I beg to differ on his laws regarding
sex. On the other hand, the American Christian Capitalists are
evangelically homophobic, and yet they are overt idolaters and are all
too willing to collaborate with the Bush crime family who are
themselves Egyptian mystery cultists whose rituals are overtly
bisexual, whose gods are the ancient gods of human sacrifice cultism,
and who are the defenders of CIA narco-terrorism and decades or rape,
torture, murder and Capitalist Imperialism. The Law demands the
execution of Egyptian mystery cultists, but the Anglo American
Christians are all too willing to defend them. That is simply
hypocrisy; that is simply evil claiming to be good, and such is the
nature of macro-evil. Same old, same old.

What I believe.

Since I am not an idolater, I merely consider Moses, Jesus, Proudhon,
Bakunin, Kropotkin, etc, to be my intellectual and spiritual mentors;
I consider none of them to have been the Creator of the Universe and I
do not agree entirely with any of them since I am a different person
reacting to contemporary governmentalists and religionists. I believe
in Kibbutzim (agricultural and technological collectivism) without
government, private property, masters, priests or any form of religion
in a world where all persons consider each other brothers and sisters.
Love is the purpose of life, not materialism; sex is how we express
love, not by torturing, bombing, raping, exploiting and enslaving
others; for all these things the Christians do. That is what I
believe. The rest is the details. One cannot serve both Ja (god of the
enslaved) and Mammon (materialism; the god of the rich).

For Anarchist Communism.
For the global holocaust of all religionists, governmentalists and
private propertyists, ‘especially' the Christians and Masonic
No mercy on they who deserve none.
Ad hoc solidarity with militant Islam and global Jihad against the Ad
Nuke London, Washington, Tel Aviv and the financial capitals of the
First World for World Peace and the Unification of the Motherland.
2004-12-04 19:40:47 UTC
Hi Lucifer,

If you typed all this (instead of some cut-and-paste action) then you really
had a lot on your mind.
I read *some* of it (yeah..really long). I have different views on the state
of the world, but your post is useful as a litmus test for one's own

Seeing how you posted your ~3708-word long post here yet, do not denounce
(or even mention) Buddhism... are you saying Buddhism will be spared your

On a more serious (and positive) note, since you appear to think a lot about
things, why not consider this:

1. Hating can never overcome hatred. Only love can bring the end of hating.
This is the eternal law.

2. A man is not wise because he has much to say. The wise man is he who is
patient, fearless and free from hatred

3. All the holy words you read and all the holy words you speak are as
nothing if you do not act upon them. Even if you read little and say little
but live the right way, forsaking craving, hatred and delusion, you will
know truth and find calmness and will show others the path.

4. All men fear pain and death. Remembering that he is one of them, let a
man neither strike nor kill.
All men fear pain and death, all men love life. Remembering that he is
one of them, let a man neither strike nor kill.


PS. These throughts are from a famous Buddhist text called The Dhammapada...
check it out, it may change your life.
Steve Dufour
2004-12-04 23:37:21 UTC
Post by Tranquil
Hi Lucifer,
If you typed all this (instead of some cut-and-paste action) then you really
had a lot on your mind.
I read *some* of it (yeah..really long). I have different views on the state
of the world, but your post is useful as a litmus test for one's own
Seeing how you posted your ~3708-word long post here yet, do not denounce
(or even mention) Buddhism... are you saying Buddhism will be spared your
On a more serious (and positive) note, since you appear to think a lot about
1. Hating can never overcome hatred. Only love can bring the end of hating.
This is the eternal law.
2. A man is not wise because he has much to say. The wise man is he who is
patient, fearless and free from hatred
3. All the holy words you read and all the holy words you speak are as
nothing if you do not act upon them. Even if you read little and say little
but live the right way, forsaking craving, hatred and delusion, you will
know truth and find calmness and will show others the path.
4. All men fear pain and death. Remembering that he is one of them, let a
man neither strike nor kill.
All men fear pain and death, all men love life. Remembering that he is
one of them, let a man neither strike nor kill.
PS. These throughts are from a famous Buddhist text called The Dhammapada...
check it out, it may change your life.
Thank you for these.
2004-12-15 04:25:02 UTC
Get a life.

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