Stupid Americans! -- Stupid... Stupid... STUPID!!! _____________---_ vytgicyw
(too old to reply)
2004-11-10 16:20:20 UTC
You blithering idiots! You re-elected that imbecile George Bush as your
He's a complete moron and so are most of you!
***Where are you from? I bet there are tons of morons by you too!***
Don't you care what the rest of the world thinks of you? Don't you care
what impact
American foreign policy has on the rest of the planet? Does Iraq look
like a success
to anyone? Doesn't it bother you that he's alienated every friend you
What were you thinking???
***I could give a shit about the rest of the world.***
Prior to this, it was American policy and the American government that was
so universally
hated around the world. Now it's going to be 'Americans' we hate. More
for Bin Laden... More attacks on American institutions... More isolation.
How blind
can you dumb rednecks in middle-America be, not to see this?
***Oh really? More attacks on our institutions? What is your name? Where do
you live?***
If you get hit again, or your economy goes into a deep depression, the
people will be getting exactly what they deserve!
***When your country has a Hitler pounding it to dust we will turn our backs

..YIM: harryusa1776
..NRA Life Member
..Webpage: http://homepage.interaccess.com/~harryusa
2005-01-04 06:14:25 UTC
Victim_of_American_Stupidity spitted hate from NEW YORK CITY via server
gradwell.net in United Kingdom trying to hide like a rat he is.

You are the STUPID schmuck. Probably englishman living in New York. FUCK
Lady Chatterly
2005-02-02 10:25:10 UTC
Post by analfabet
You are the STUPID schmuck. Probably englishman living in New York. FUCK
Sometimes it seems as if they are the stupid schmuck. Perception is
relative, you know.

Lady Chatterly

"LC doesnt give hatter as much shit so he takes comfort in posting to
her, maybe even thinking she is a temporary allie through his mission
of grandeur." -- Mimic
